Have questions?  Please contact us at sommeryearbook@gmail.com

Yearbook Q&A

Q: I know I ordered one but my kid didn't get his.
A: After ordering, you would have received an email order confirmation from Balfour.  If you find one and can confirm you purchased one, please email sommeryearbook@gmail.com.  Still think you ordered one but can’t find a confirmation email, you may still contact us and we will look at our orders again.

Q: The yearbook my student got is damaged (torn or folded page, etc)
A: Email sommeryearbook@gmail.com AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  We can replace it if you do not wait.

Q: I forgot to buy one but I want one now.  How do I buy one?
A: A limited number of yearbooks are available for sale. Contact sommeryearbook@gmail.com for information.